There are lots of deals to be had if you can match your coupons up this week. Head over to A Thrifty mom or It's hip 2 Save for a ton of great Target deals.
I am really excited about our Albertsons flier we got in our mailbox today. There are a few Albertsons coupons that can be matched up with manufacturers coupons we already have. We should be able to get Kraft Mayo for $1 a jar with the Alb q + the $2/2 MC we got a few weeks ago. Kraft shredded, chunk, crumbles or cracker cuts for $1 a package with Alb q + $1/2 MC. And Oscar Meyer Wieners for $.49 each with Alb q + $1/2 MC. I am also interested to see if we can pair the Fun Pack Lunchables $1.49 Alb q with the Save $1 on any NEW lunchables combinations with water q. I will have to check the sizes listed on the q's and get back to you.
I haven't scoured the ad yet, but I am sure that Save At Home Mommy will have a full list available for us soon. Share your great deals if you find more.
I am really excited about our Albertsons flier we got in our mailbox today. There are a few Albertsons coupons that can be matched up with manufacturers coupons we already have. We should be able to get Kraft Mayo for $1 a jar with the Alb q + the $2/2 MC we got a few weeks ago. Kraft shredded, chunk, crumbles or cracker cuts for $1 a package with Alb q + $1/2 MC. And Oscar Meyer Wieners for $.49 each with Alb q + $1/2 MC. I am also interested to see if we can pair the Fun Pack Lunchables $1.49 Alb q with the Save $1 on any NEW lunchables combinations with water q. I will have to check the sizes listed on the q's and get back to you.
I haven't scoured the ad yet, but I am sure that Save At Home Mommy will have a full list available for us soon. Share your great deals if you find more.
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